The world famous Yasuni Biosphere Reserve is a privileged location in the entire Amazon Rainforest. Located between the Andes, the Western Amazon Basin and the Equator. Making this Ecuador’s most interesting wilderness for all of mankind.
Enjoy this home of extraordinary biodiversity, the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve!
We have recently contacted Amazonian indigenous group known as the Waorani. They are relatives of the Waoranis, the Tagaeri and Taromenane. They still live in voluntary isolation deep in the Reserve.
Yasuní Biosphere Reserve Facts.

Sitting atop a large reserves of crude oil is the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve.
Oil is Ecuador’s chief export, and contains an abundance of valuable timber species.
This is a volatile combination which has led to intense conflicts, and subsequently, increased international interest and concern.
In 1989, the area in and around the original limits of Yasuni National Park was designated as a “Man and the Biosphere Reserve” by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
This section of the Reserve covers 16 820 km2, including a 5000 km2 of the core area (Yasuni and Nushiño Rivers).

The rest of the reserve (a 7000 km2 buffer zone and a 4820 km2 transition zone) includes much of the remaining park area and the adjacent Waorani Ethnic Reserve.
The Yasuni Biosphere Reserve is the core of a small and unique area in South America.
This is where plant, amphibian, bird, and mammal species richness centers overlap.
Furthermore, the reserve is located within the ‘Core Amazon’, an especially wet region to maintain. Rainforest conditions are at risk as climate change-induced drought which intensifies in the Eastern Amazon.
How to get to the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve?
Depending where you are in Ecuador while travelling. Here are some options we suggested to arrange to get to the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
A Day Trip from Quito is recommended if you are interested in seen the landscape of the country, from snow-covered volcanoes, misty cloudforest and end up in an ocean of trees. Check Our Day Trip
A boat trip from Misahualli is highly recommended if you are interested in covering long distance in a fun boat trip stating with rapids of the Napo and Misahualli Rivers.
A short fly from Quito to Coca would put you right on on the entrance of the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.